Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

"Many sellers make the mistake of paying more attention to the specific products they offer than to the benefits and experiences produced by these products. These sellers suffer from marketing myopia. They are so taken with their products that they focus only on existing wants and lose sight of underlying customer needs. They forget that a product is only a tool to solve a consumer problem."(Marketing: An Introduction, pg. 7) Selling very popular and great products, Apple can easily be one of these companies. But, they have proven to me that they are not like that at all. Yes they are professional, but they are also very friendly. In the year 2010 when the iPhone 4 was going to come out, I was one of the many who waited outside their store to get it first, and what Apple did when the sun came out in the early morning was unexpected to me. They got their employees to run outside and get us even more excited and then offered us free breakfast! They also provided people with umbrellas because after the sun came out it was clearly getting hotter outside, which doesn't make customers waiting in a long line all night feel any better. And they even paid people to give out small ice creams, also free! Apple really did their best to show their customers hospitality with their positivity and refreshments. That, to me, is really caring about your customers and a great way to show it. And to this day, I consider that one of my best great customer service experiences ever.

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